If you are thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle, you might be wondering just what it takes to juice up your new car. Perhaps you’ve already scouted out locations around town that allow you to charge your vehicle while you shop. However, it is more convenient to charge up your car from the comfort of […]
Category: Home
Understanding Direct Current in Off-Grid Solar System
The solar system is now the new alternative to beat the higher cost of utility supply. A lot of homeowners are now trying different power supplies. It’s either they choose the off-grid solar system or the grid-tied solar system. We know there are advantages and disadvantages of solar systems, but we know they’re benefits. Today, […]
Manitoba Hydro Furnace Rebates, Savings and Financing
A furnace is part of your home heating system that provides warmth to your home. It blows warm air through ducts and distributes it to your home via registers. The energy source may be electricity, natural gas or fuel oil. When the furnace would break down during winter, it would be terrible. You would need […]
Gain and Earn from Manitoba Hydro Refrigerator Rebate
Do you have any delinquent refrigerators or freezers that is 15 years old and above? Do you plan to upgrade to a more energy efficient appliances? Have you heard about the Manitoba Hydro Refrigerator Rebate and Saving? These fridge and freezer are usually not energy efficient anymore. These appliances can cost you an annual energy […]
Solar Power Rebates for Increased Use
Using renewable and sustainable energy sources has been encouraged by many governments over the years, especially since these power systems can benefit both the consumers and the environment in the long run. With that in mind, renewable energy programs by the state have been established, and this may range from solar power rebates or solar […]