Category: Electrical Power

What You Need To Know About Your Breaker Box

Electricity is a funny thing; you’re using it all the time, but rarely considering it. Outside of plugging things into your outlets, you rarely interact with your home’s electrical system; most people don’t even know how to read their electric meter. That means that most of the time, you’ll only notice your system when it’s […]

Smart Power Strips

We’ve discussed vampire power at pretty great length; it is, in essence, the power your electronics use to do minor, mundane or altogether useless things when they’re not in use. Think of your microwave constantly displaying the time despite the fact you have a hyper accurate clock in your pocket at all times; that’s vampire […]

A Quick Summary of Important Electrical Measurements

Electricity is omnipresent, but the average citizen doesn’t necessarily understand exactly how it works. That’s not surprising at all; the electron was only discovered in 1897, just over 100 years ago. No one expects everyone to understand precisely how electricity works; it’s extraordinarily complicated, and to begin to fully grasp the concept takes years of […]

Incandescent Bulbs Vs. Fluorescent Bulbs

A few years ago, a ban was put into place on the sale of incandescent light bulbs in Canada. 40, 60, 75 and 100-watt incandescent bulbs cannot be manufactured or imported, though retailers are allowed to sell their existing stock; there are certain exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking, it’s now very difficult to […]

Vampire Power

You’re asleep in your bed, cozy as a kitten; they’re wide awake. You’ve invited them into your home, and now, while you lie dormant, they feed. They feed on your energy, they drain your bank account, and you don’t even know you’re being used. They are…appliances? Vampire power is a term that’s been coined to […]

The 5 Appliances That Use the Most Energy

Everyone wants to lower their monthly costs, and electricity can be a big one. At the same time, we’ve grown accustomed to our modern conveniences, and it can be hard to deduce what is using up the most power in our homes. While this list of power-draining appliances might not change your habits immediately, being […]