Category: Electrical Power

Power Outages in Manitoba

I’m going to call power outages inconvenient, because the tenants of writing for a website that’s accessible by people of all ages include not using more…powerful words. We’re quite lucky in Winnipeg; we don’t face some of the more catastrophic weather events that tend to lead to wide scale power outages. Our infrastructure is relatively […]

Energy Security

It goes without saying that energy is important, which is a funny phrase to use as a rhetorical flourish, because I’m going to tell you how important it is anyway. You’re reading this on a phone or computer right now, unless you printed it out (if so, thank you, you’re my biggest fan). Obviously, without […]

The 1973 Oil Crisis

On our last blog post, we discussed energy security, and how much of what makes energy “secure” is the ability for citizens to purchase the energy source. Much energy, including electrical energy, is created by fossil fuel power plants, and a cutback in oil supply means the cost of electricity increases. Transportation that uses electrical […]

Energy Poverty

Poverty is a vicious cycle; the poorer you are, the poorer you’ll tend to remain. There are a plethora of reasons for this, and all are worthy of discussion, but given our trade, we’d like to focus today on energy poverty. Energy poverty occurs when a person does not have access to affordable energy. We […]

The Problems With Knob and Tube Wiring

Old houses are so beautiful! Wandering through the suburbs can feel really dull, almost eerie, because of how similar any two houses are; I remember going to a new friend’s house as a kid and realizing the layout of their house was almost exactly the same as mine; it’s weird knowing where the bedrooms and […]

What Happens When You Microwave a CD

As a kid, my dad would always encourage me to try strange science experiments in order to pique my interest in the natural sciences. One day, he had purchased a new microwave, and was getting rid of the old one. He decided it would be fun to show me what happens to a CD when […]