
Feb 4, 2022

Energy Poverty

Poverty is a vicious cycle; the poorer you are, the poorer you’ll tend to remain. There are a plethora of reasons for this, and all are worthy of discussion, but given our trade, we’d like to focus today on energy poverty. Energy poverty occurs when a person does not...

Smart Power Strips

We’ve discussed vampire power at pretty great length; it is, in essence, the power your electronics use to do minor, mundane or altogether useless things when they’re not in use. Think of your microwave constantly displaying the time despite the fact you have a hyper...

Vampire Power

You’re asleep in your bed, cozy as a kitten; they’re wide awake. You’ve invited them into your home, and now, while you lie dormant, they feed. They feed on your energy, they drain your bank account, and you don’t even know you’re being used. They are...appliances?...

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Powertec Electric Inc.
Phone: (204) 896-3446


1320 Loudoun Rd
Winnipeg, MB
R3S 1A4, Canada