
Feb 4, 2022

Electrical Safety Tips For The Holidays

Most people love the festive holiday season, particularly because it brings about an opportunity to decorate the interior and exterior of their home. From sparkling Christmas trees to porches draped in twinkling lights, there is always another spectacular way to...

Where Is Emergency Lighting Required?

In this article, the team of qualified electricians at Powertec Electric explains the places where emergency lighting is required. Under 29 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 1910.34(c) OSHA defines ‘an exit route’ as, ‘an unobstructed and continuous exit travel path...

Baby Proofing Electrical Outlets

Toddlers and babies are curious. They’ll investigate basically anything if left unsupervised. That’s why parents ought to spend hours baby-proofing their home. One of the ways an infant may harm her or himself is by poking things inside the electrical outlets. Since...

5 Indications of Electric Problems

From flickering lights to unusual problems with your outlets, if you have any of the following 5 indications of electrical issues in your house, immediately contact a qualified electrician Winnipeg at Powertec Electric for professional help! Outlet Issues If any of...

Whole-House Surge Protectors

There’s an old joke about people who work in IT; that they never get the respect they deserve. The joke goes something like this: when everything goes wrong, the boss comes in and yells “What do I even pay you people for?”. When everything is running smoothly, the...

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Powertec Electric Inc.
Phone: (204) 896-3446


1320 Loudoun Rd
Winnipeg, MB
R3S 1A4, Canada