
Feb 4, 2022

The War of the Currents

Format wars are always interesting; two companies put out products or technologies in the same market, and they compete for total market dominance. You might remember famous format wars of the past; VHS vs Betamax, Blu-Ray vs HD DVD (remember when data came on disks?...

Modern Energy Disasters

Modern life without a constant stream of energy would be its own disaster; hospitals would shut down, heating and cooling would cease to function, our information infrastructure would cease to be, food would rot, and everything would generally fall into chaos and...

The Smart Grid

Electricity is one of the most important commodities in the world. From lighting your reading lamp for a story before bedtime, to running the world’s largest hospitals, life without it is almost unfathomable. The electrical grids that we use have been expanded and...

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Powertec Electric Inc.
Phone: (204) 896-3446


1320 Loudoun Rd
Winnipeg, MB
R3S 1A4, Canada